Tuesday, June 24, 2008

KML- Remote Sensing

- Remote sensing describes the science and art of identifying, observing, and measuring an object without coming in direct contact with it.

- While using google maps, I ran a search for KML satellite, and this is map shows a building specialist company that is located in Panama City, Florida.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Cadastral Map

-Cadastral maps show boundaries and ownership of land. They can also give additional details such as districts, street names, and current title numbers.
-This map is of an ancient area in Egypt which shows old boundary lines and districts.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Thematic maps

- A thematic map is to serve as a way to display specialized information for a variety of individuals. As well as, categories of varieties of themes that give new perspective for viewing maps to enhance the level of understanding of the particular map.
-The map shown is a depiction of the different soil depths along the Illinois River.

Topographic map

-A topographic map would show an almost accurate detail depiction of natural features on the ground. For example, when you look at this map it depicts the mountains giving a 3-D view to give you a more accurate understanding of the land.
-This map shows the Swiss Bundesamt für Landestopographie, depicting the rugged relief of the Matterhorn in 1991.