Tuesday, July 29, 2008


- Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) consist of a raster grid of regularly spaced elevation values that have been primarily derived from the USGS topographic map series. DEMs are derived from hypsographic data (contour lines) and/or photogrammetric methods using USGS 7.5-minute, 15-minute, 2-arc-second (30- by 60-minute), and 1-degree (1:250,000-scale) topographic quadrangle maps

- The following files are a complete DEM for the Lake Tahoe Basin, created from the 18 7.5-minute quadrangles of 10-m DEMs and the bathymetric elevation model.The 18 DEM quadrangles that cover the Lake Tahoe Basin have been mosaicked together. The mosaicked files are more convenient for looking at areas throughout the basin or areas on the edge of two quadrangles.

- tahoe.usgs.gov/DEM.html

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